Hello 👋
My name is Joakim

I'm a team player with a passion for graphic design and technology. I have worked with UI/UX for 12 years. My journey started when I got my first Macintosh when I was about 13 and discovered Photoshop. Here is some of my latest work.
description description

Corporate site

A new website, logo and style guide for my current employer. The project started with two workshops including all the stakeholders to find out what problems needed to be solved. Between the workshops I created wireframes to get everyone on the same page and from there we ironed out the kinks and landed with this design. Check it out! 👇



This is an app for finding names for your future child, you can do it alone or together with your partner and create lists of your favorite names together. You find names by either creating a filter, searching or swiping trough our premade lists. In this project I was the product designer and did everything from user research, wireframing and creating high fidelity design.


Our most popular site, Swedens largest online forum. This was both a fun and sad project. Unfortunatley after working for over a year on this project it was scrapped and we ended up partnering with a big cms provider. This unfortunately ment that my design could not be implemented anymore due to the limitations in the new cms, but I can show you what it could have looked like.
Detailed Figma files for easy handovers

Wrap up

Thanks for your time! If you want to have a chat you can contact me on linkedin
And to close things out, here are some of the brands I have worked with through the years creating Apps, websites and touchscreen applications.